Everything you need to know for the best getting ready photos

Whether you're getting ready in your own home, family home, or that orangey hotel room, I’ve got you. These tips will help you get set up for awesome getting ready photos on the morning of your wedding day!

TIP #1: Choose an area near windows

This right here is my #1 tip for a goooodddddd reason. Light is everything. Light can drastically change a photo, so we want to use it to the best of our abilities. Windows are often a beautiful source of light, and can frame the photo so nicely.

Think about angling a chair towards the window when reading your letter to each other, or facing towards the window when your mom does up your dress. Little changes can make drastic differences.

Hint: If the light through the window is extra harsh, close the white sheer to help diffuse the light and create a softer look.

TIP #2: Clear the clutter

Okay after light, this has got to be my biggest thing! Ever get to a hotel room, put your bag down in one spot of the room, put a couple things “here and there”, and then all of a sudden it looks like a tornado hit your room? Ya, I’ve definitely been guilty of it and my guess is you have been too!

So as much as you possibly can, try to keep your getting ready space free of clutter. If that means leaving your bags in a room other than the one you’ll be putting your final touches on, or asking everyone to keep their bags in one area of the hotel room, it can go a long way. The last thing you want is heaps of clothes and snack bags poppin up in the background of your photos.

Keep that shit clean, or tidy up as you go if you can. Easy peasy!

TIP #3: Don’t be afraid to move rooms

If you don’t have any window light, or are in a really tight space, consider moving to a different room for getting ready or at the end when you are putting on the final touches. This goes for your house, but also for a hotel room. You can ask to use places like their conference rooms or party rooms for 5 minutes to pop in, get some shots, then head back to your room.

TIP #4: Have others get dressed first

If you are having someone help with your final touches like putting on your tie, zipping up your dress, putting on a necklace, make sure they are dressed.

Everyone wants to accommodate the bride or groom and that’s fair, but when you’re just about ready to get dressed - have everyone get into their outfits first so they look just as done up as you when they help with finishing touches.

TIP #5: Don’t take yourself out of the moment

I’m a huge believer in capturing things how they naturally happen. So yes, it would be ideal for me to be able to place people in the perfect window light when I can, or declutter the area where I can. But reality is, it doesn’t always happen that way. There are times when I help “direct” a situation, and there are times when I am just there to capture what naturally evolved at that time.

So all these tips are here for you to control what you can ahead of time, but they aren’t there to take you out of any of these natural moments to make sure everything is set up right. As a photographer, trust me to move around to capture it the best way I can and let yourself be present in that time. Don’t take yourself out of the moment, just cherish it, and be present.

And there you have it, everything you need to know to get the best getting ready photos on your wedding day!

An intimate wedding & elopement photographer who captures genuine, authentic moments and photos that evoke emotion and comfort.

I’m always ready to hop on a plane and adventure with you!

Based in Toronto & GTA.


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